Already, legislators in six states — Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri and South Carolina — have considered legislation requiring classrooms to be open to “views about the scientific strengths and weaknesses of Darwinian theory,” according to a petition from the Discovery Institute, the Seattle-based strategic center of the intelligent-design movement.
I am so tired of this shit. Believe in creationism, Intelligent Design or whatever you want to call it. The bottom line is it is not science. It just isn't and using it to try and disprove the theory of evolution is just as stupid. Creationism and Intelligent Design is part of religion. Religion is faith, not science. End of story.
I do think this story further illustrates some of the problems with our school systems.
The chairman of the board, Dr. Don McLeroy, a dentist, pushed in 2003 for a more skeptical version of evolution to be presented in the state’s textbooks, but could not get a majority to vote with him. Dr. McLeroy has said he does not believe in Darwin’s theory and thinks that Earth’s appearance is a recent geologic event, thousands of years old, not 4.5 billion as scientists contend.
Mind you this isn't just a member of the board, but the fraking chairman. It is no wonder we lag so far behind in science.
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