Saturday, January 24, 2009


I was a bit rushed with my last post yesterday and don't think I fleshed out just how stupid I think the whole bit is. I had to go see my nephew play some basketball so blame him. Anywho...

Suppose that we are in Home Ec. We are making muffins. The teacher, probably fat and wearing a hairnet, writes the recipe for said muffins on the chalkboard for all of us to follow. We will say they are blueberry muffins because blueberry muffins are delicious. In no Home Ec class in the world would the teacher also offer, as an alternative model for muffin making, a miracle. This is because you don't miracle muffins into existence, at least not in Home Ec.

Creationism, or intelligent design, is not science. In order for something to be science, it has to be testable. Until some mouth breather comes up with a way to test creationism or intelligent design, keep it the frak out of science classes. Our kids are dumb enough already.

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