Saturday, February 28, 2009


I have been reading and watching some of the news coming out of this year's wingnut conference known as CPAC with much enjoyment. TPM has a nice slideshow that gives you just a taste of the craziness. These bumperstickers show just what I have said time and time again, Republicans promote and prey on stupid. I'm not even sure what the 'Every Disaster is a Change' one means. This one has me a bit baffled as well. There is a National Organization for Marriage? Something like that might actually be pretty cool. I would love to see a group offer couples access to free family counseling. However, NOM seems to be all about fighting the evil gays that want to get married. I find it to be some great entertainment that most conservatives seem to think the threat to marriage isn't the high divorce rates, but rather other people wanting to get married.

What really gets me is some of the crazy shit that is said.
“This is probably too strong,” said Doug Haney, the city attorney in Carmel, Ind. and a Republican precinct committeeman, “but Hitler also gave great speeches.”

And it wasn't just nobody precinct committeemen saying crazy shit, but national figures as well.
“The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics may be dead,” said Huckabee, “but a Union of American Socialist Republics is being born.” Democrats, according to Huckabee, were packing 40 years of pet projects like “health care rationing” into spending bills. “Lenin and Stalin would love this stuff.”

It really amazes me that Republicans can actually get away with saying shit like that. The Democrats certainly have their share of crazies, but more often than not they get pushed to the fringe of the party, not embraced by its base Kucinich, Dennis.

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