Jeffrey Rosen has an article for The New Republic that is being advertised as...
the first in a series of reports by TNR legal affairs editor Jeffrey Rosen about the strengths and weaknesses of the leading candidates on Barack Obama's Supreme Court shortlist.
To spare you the time reading the article the takeaway is that Sonia Sotomayor is stupid. To prove it, Rosen uses nothing but a bunch of unnamed sources. Hooray for journalism!
Rosen is sure to assure us that this isn't a case of people disliking Sotomayor.
...they're not motivated by sour grapes or by ideological disagreement--they'd like the most intellectually powerful and politically effective liberal justice possible.
I guess we just have to take Rosen's word for it since he doesn't really name who all the quotes are from. He also doesn't give any actual examples other than more unnamed sources saying Sotomayor is a stupid head. Of course, I feel pretty confident that anybody who grows up in the South Bronx and ends up going to Princeton probably does have an IQ problem.
The real kicker for me is this part.
I haven't read enough of Sotomayor's opinions to have a confident sense of them, nor have I talked to enough of Sotomayor's detractors and supporters, to get a fully balanced picture of her strengths.
One would think that when writing an article that is supposed to be 'about the strengths and weaknesses' of the leading candidates for the Supreme Court that Rosen could at least be bothered to do some work other than leaning on unnamed sources.
I would just like to add that an unnamed source told me that Rosen is a fucking hack journalist who makes Sotomayor look brilliant and he likes to kick puppies.
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