Monday, July 20, 2009

Reporting Half of The Story

Much has been made this morning and afternoon about the new Washington Post/ABC poll showing Obama's approval slipping. For some reason this is big big news. Was anybody really expecting his numbers to stay around 65 for his entire term in office? Regardless, it gives the talking heads a new story 'Is Obama in trouble?'.

I'm sure that the White House isn't happy with the slip in numbers. However, Steve Benen, points out the other half of the story.
While the gaps have narrowed a bit, the president has a 23-point lead over the minority party on economic policy, a 20-point lead on health care, and a 19-point lead on the deficit.

Of course I'm willing to bet the story will continue to be that Obama is in deep deep trouble with his 59 percent approval rating. Damn you liberal media!!!

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