Thursday, November 13, 2008


The way the Senate Democrats are handling their Joe Lieberman problem is a perfect example of how Democrats get the reputation of being pussies. Why is there a needed to hold a secret vote to see if Lieberman holds onto his position as chairman of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs committee? Lieberman didn't just endorse McCain for President. He actively campaigned for him, did a Zell Miller impression at the Republican convention and acted as a validator for some of the more baseless and classless attacks from McCain camp. Elections have consequences and for Lieberman this should be one of them. Would stripping Lieberman of his chairmanship be political? [Sarah Palin] You betcha! [/Sarah Palin] Sometimes politics finds a way into the world of politicians....funny that, huh?

Beyond that keep in mind that Lieberman's committee is responsible for oversight of the executive branch and the administration. In the two years that Lieberman has been in his role of chairman he has held zero meetings.

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