Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Quick Reminder

The complaints of Obama bringing in too many former Clinton people into his administration seems to be on an uptick. I get that and have concerns about it as well that I touched on here. However, it would be wise for people to keep this comment in mind.
"That's my job," Obama said, adding that it "is to provide a vision where we are going and to make sure that my team is implementing it."

One of the uglier aspects of the Bush presidency is that too many of the important decisions seemed to come from those supposedly working for him. There were times when Rumsfeld, Rove and Cheney all seemed as if they were the President while Bush was simply a prop to be rolled out to explain their decisions. If you want a current example look at Paulson. If you just woke up from an eight year nap who would you think was President, Paulson or Bush? The jury is certainly going to be out for awhile, but I don't see Obama being as weak a President as Bush.

Something else to keep in mind is that there really haven't been too many Democratic administrations over the last 20 or so years. Obama wants to hit the ground running which is certainly reassuring. In order to do that you need people who know how to get things done and that means people with experience in Washington. Bringing me in, for an example, to run Transportation would be true change. I would push like hell for Super Trains. However, other than sending Popular Mechanics links to Senators I wouldn't really know what to do.

In other words, relax folks. Lets save our bitching until Obama sheds the 'elect' from his current title.

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