The last straw came when the group picked “The Da Vinci Code” and someone suggested the discussion would be enriched by delving into the author’s source material. “It was bad enough that they wanted to read ‘Da Vinci Code’ in the first place,” Ms. Bowie said, “but then they wanted to talk about it.” She quit shortly after, making up a polite excuse: “I told the organizer, ‘You’re reading fiction, and I’m reading history right now.’ ”
Just a guess, but I bet Ms. Bowie doesn't have any friends left from her old book group or she won't after they read her slamming them in the New York Times.
Those who know me, would probably agree that I am the last person who should criticize somebody for being critical of other peoples' tastes. However, somebody should tell Ms. Bowie to get bent. Maybe it is because I have read "The Da Vinci Code" (and liked it) and have read several other pieces of pop-lit that over-serious people like Ms. Bowie like to thumb their nose at. I also hunt down and read every zombie and end-of-civilization novel I can find (World War Z is a must read for all zombie fans). I think The Wheel of Time is one of the greatest series ever. And fuck Ms. Bowie if that offends her fragile sensibilites, because as a former English major I can probably go book for book with her in the 'serious' works section.
Just to add something else real quick, I absolutely hate people who put an over emphasis on books written by dead people. This might come from doing nothing but reading books by dead people for four or so years in school, but there are a lot of writers out there who still have the ability to process oxygen that are just as good (some better imo) as those writers currently serving as fertilizer.
Oh and to those who might point out me making fun of Twilight.....I'm making fun of the movie, hell read nothing but cowboy romance and Harry Potter novels for all I care, so beat it.
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