I started writing poetry in large part because in middle school I was a nerdy four eyed geek who was in love with a certain Angie Davis. It didn't work out because I wasn't able to write like this.....and still can't.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Torture Doesn't Work
Unless you are Jack Bauer.
Finn and Warrick reported that "not a single significant plot was foiled" as a result of Zubaida's brutal treatment -- and that, quite to the contrary, his false confessions "triggered a series of alerts and sent hundreds of CIA and FBI investigators scurrying in pursuit of phantoms."Also, water is wet.
Stop The Stupid
One reason that newspapers are dropping like flies these days is that they publish stupid shit like this. Andrew Klavan wants people to know Limbaugh is awesome. Let the stupid begin....
Gimmick journalism sucks.
Joe Cole does some digging in the comments section of the article to find more stupid.
I thought Bush was like Jack Bauer?
Which leads to a question: Why not? I mean, come on, the guy's one of the figures of the age. Aren't you even curious? I listen to all your guys: NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, The Times, the New York Times, the New Yorker -- I check out the whole left-wing hallelujah chorus. Why are you afraid to spend a couple of hours listening to Limbaugh's show and seriously considering if and why you disagree with him?
Gimmick journalism sucks.
Joe Cole does some digging in the comments section of the article to find more stupid.
There seems to me no question that the Batman film “The Dark Knight,” currently breaking every box office record in history, is at some level a paean of praise to the fortitude and moral courage that has been shown by George W. Bush in this time of terror and war. Like W, Batman is vilified and despised for confronting terrorists in the only terms they understand. Like W, Batman sometimes has to push the boundaries of civil rights to deal with an emergency, certain that he will re-establish those boundaries when the emergency is past.
I thought Bush was like Jack Bauer?
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Poker: Trip Report
Trip Report From the Burbs
This blog is seriously lacking in some poker talk. A trip report from the other, more bald Adam, aka "Chopenstein".
I arrive somewhere in the Pickerington vicinity – not your typical burb, cookie-cutter house. Ranch style home, living room front and center, wood burning fire place on the right wall, big flat screen right above. Table 1 to the left. Kitchen table straight ahead, labeled “Cash game”. Big giant yard behind (150 yards, I’m told – about an 8-iron’s worth for those with a little meat behind their swing, no offense CFO) with screened in porch, pool, huge deck... Did not even get to see the first floor extension of bed rooms or finished basement.
Between the living room and kitchen on the right was the door to the garage where tables 2 and 3 were located, accompanied with a wood burning stove and the sign-up headquarters to the far right and room.
Let’s digress for a moment – I was hungover. Bad.
Dizzy and nauseous most of the day, it was all I could do to shower and drive the 25 minutes for what promised to be a very uncomfortable evening of sitting and concentrating. What I needed was a couch and a nap. 14 hours of March Madness and Golden Tee the night before, combined with a throwback hour at Brewstirs proved to be a lethal combination. Fast forward....
$20 buy in, $5 bounty per person. 24 players. Blinds go up every 24 minutes, beginning with 5-10, 10-20, 25-50, 50-100, 75-150, 150-300, 300-600….. Starting stack of 1,400. Top four pay. $240, $120, $72, $48. I get my table assignment. Table 3, seat 5. Of the four people I’ve met before or know, none of them are at my table. Perfect. I can use whatever stored energy to figure out my opponents rather than feel obligated to engage in small talk with friends. The wooziness continued regardless. I found myself miscounting chips, spilling 7UP, knocking over my stack and flipping my cards over (folding to a raise) not realizing there was still action to go… Who brought the new guy?
First 20 minutes the woman across from me is running over everyone. Every time she bets, she peers over my shoulder to read the far wall, which has a sign signifying what each chip equals. There was one right over her shoulder, but I wasn’t going to break her bad habit. Three hands she won, she had her opponent dominated. Flopped straight, trips and two pair.
I get a hand, pocket 6s, limps all around and we go to the flop four ways. 10,3,2. (Blinds 5-10). Check, check, check, I bet 30. Fold, fold, aforementioned woman calls. Turn 9. Woman checks, I check. River blank. Woman checks, I bet 30, Woman calls with KK..... Not sure why she never a) led out or b) raised me, but in not doing so I wasted two bets, because I likely would have folded to her action. Blinds go up.
Before the first break I’m dealt 99, blinds 10-20. I raise to 60 with two limpers behind me. They both call – 3-way. Flop is rags. I bet out 120. call, call. Turn is a queen and I tuck my sack in by checking. Check-check. River is an A and I internally groan. I check. Calling station bets, bulldozer woman calls, I grudgingly fold but know I’m beat. They both had A8 and I’m now convinced that any A plays as it’s the third time A high has been taken to the river by at least four players at the table. Time to play premium hands only. Break time – good, I need fuel. Warrior is about to die....
Over the next 25 minutes I’m pretty card-dead. I see a cheap flop with 5,6 suited, but whiff. Things begin to look up as I take down a decent pot with AK after I push the bulldozer lady off with a 300 bet on the turn with a K on the flop. A couple hands later, I have the dreaded AQ. Raise. Bulldozer calls. Flop is Q,J,10. She pushes all in (short stack) and I insta-call. She has K,10 for bottom pair and the up and down - *sigh* a 9 on the river gives her the straight and puts me under 10x the blinds, which are now at 50-100. With just under 900 chips, I’m dealt A-10 suited hearts on the button – one limper behind me and I push. BB calls me with AJ… I have him covered by 10 chips, wohoo! SB informs me she had a 10. Guh. A two-outter 10 finds me on the turn and I send the father of the host packing. That can’t be good karma, but whatever; I’m back to just above my starting stack at about 1,600. We break to merge down to two tables and I feel like I have new life.
Our new table consists of the A-high calling station, Troy (who has been at the same table all night, playing a wide range of hands), the mom of the host, Andy whom I’ve met several times before, two random hot chicks and two others that don’t last long. Blinds at 75-150.
No memorable hands here, but I was able to knock out a short stack with 10-10 and push Andy off a couple of pots after he checked post flop. He had a good stack and didn’t seem like he wanted to risk putting a dent in it, so two all-in pushes were good enough to get my stack up over 3k.
The two random hot chicks were screwing up our table mojo, however. Blinds were clearly at the next level, but somehow they managed to deal themselves into an extra hand of lower blinds. That and they reversed the shuffling order, so that the player who was about to deal shuffled their own deck, as opposed to the former button…. FLOOR! No one said anything, as it was all we could do to keep the action flowing. Thankfully there were several short stacks at our table and the field dwindled swiftly.
Sooner than expected, we were down to 9 and re-drew for final table seats. One to the left in seat 5, on the other side of the host’s mother. Troy was in the same spot in seat 9 and Andy was to my right in seat six and a poker club dealer was in seat 7. Blinds 150-300.
More of the same, I stole a few blinds with raises, but was happy not to get any action against AJ, KQ, etc. So I treaded water as the blinds crept up to 3-600 while four players were sent to the rail, three of which were courtesy of Troy, who had the table dominated in stack size. Andy was second; poker dealer was third, I was about a blind or two ahead of the other short stack. Five to go. Troy and dealer chick kept raising and stealing blinds, which was fine by me as it meant I maintained my lead over short stack.
Finally, Troy predictably raises and the short stack tanks, then grudgingly calls. I look at my cards as a mere formality expecting to get out of the way but see A7. As I said earlier, Troy has been all over the map. Best I’ve seen him play was A-rag. He’s raised with 10-8, 10-9, Q-4, etc. Plus at 3x the blinds, I don’t have much choice. Of course, I’m saying this out loud and he shoots back a “thanks for noticing”. I say “I bet you woke up with a hand here, but I gotta believe my ace is good” and re-raise all in for another 800. He calls with AQ, short stack has Q9 and Troy takes us both out. Having the short stack covered, I squeeze my way into fourth place for $48 plus two bounties, totaling $58, more than double my buy in. Troy, who had an O’Shea's coin card-protector, went on to win over dealer chick, with Andy taking third. Great group of people, good times.
Next chapter: Cash Game; Table image, Drunky Mike and the Power Hand.
This blog is seriously lacking in some poker talk. A trip report from the other, more bald Adam, aka "Chopenstein".
I arrive somewhere in the Pickerington vicinity – not your typical burb, cookie-cutter house. Ranch style home, living room front and center, wood burning fire place on the right wall, big flat screen right above. Table 1 to the left. Kitchen table straight ahead, labeled “Cash game”. Big giant yard behind (150 yards, I’m told – about an 8-iron’s worth for those with a little meat behind their swing, no offense CFO) with screened in porch, pool, huge deck... Did not even get to see the first floor extension of bed rooms or finished basement.
Between the living room and kitchen on the right was the door to the garage where tables 2 and 3 were located, accompanied with a wood burning stove and the sign-up headquarters to the far right and room.
Let’s digress for a moment – I was hungover. Bad.
Dizzy and nauseous most of the day, it was all I could do to shower and drive the 25 minutes for what promised to be a very uncomfortable evening of sitting and concentrating. What I needed was a couch and a nap. 14 hours of March Madness and Golden Tee the night before, combined with a throwback hour at Brewstirs proved to be a lethal combination. Fast forward....
$20 buy in, $5 bounty per person. 24 players. Blinds go up every 24 minutes, beginning with 5-10, 10-20, 25-50, 50-100, 75-150, 150-300, 300-600….. Starting stack of 1,400. Top four pay. $240, $120, $72, $48. I get my table assignment. Table 3, seat 5. Of the four people I’ve met before or know, none of them are at my table. Perfect. I can use whatever stored energy to figure out my opponents rather than feel obligated to engage in small talk with friends. The wooziness continued regardless. I found myself miscounting chips, spilling 7UP, knocking over my stack and flipping my cards over (folding to a raise) not realizing there was still action to go… Who brought the new guy?
First 20 minutes the woman across from me is running over everyone. Every time she bets, she peers over my shoulder to read the far wall, which has a sign signifying what each chip equals. There was one right over her shoulder, but I wasn’t going to break her bad habit. Three hands she won, she had her opponent dominated. Flopped straight, trips and two pair.
I get a hand, pocket 6s, limps all around and we go to the flop four ways. 10,3,2. (Blinds 5-10). Check, check, check, I bet 30. Fold, fold, aforementioned woman calls. Turn 9. Woman checks, I check. River blank. Woman checks, I bet 30, Woman calls with KK..... Not sure why she never a) led out or b) raised me, but in not doing so I wasted two bets, because I likely would have folded to her action. Blinds go up.
Before the first break I’m dealt 99, blinds 10-20. I raise to 60 with two limpers behind me. They both call – 3-way. Flop is rags. I bet out 120. call, call. Turn is a queen and I tuck my sack in by checking. Check-check. River is an A and I internally groan. I check. Calling station bets, bulldozer woman calls, I grudgingly fold but know I’m beat. They both had A8 and I’m now convinced that any A plays as it’s the third time A high has been taken to the river by at least four players at the table. Time to play premium hands only. Break time – good, I need fuel. Warrior is about to die....
Over the next 25 minutes I’m pretty card-dead. I see a cheap flop with 5,6 suited, but whiff. Things begin to look up as I take down a decent pot with AK after I push the bulldozer lady off with a 300 bet on the turn with a K on the flop. A couple hands later, I have the dreaded AQ. Raise. Bulldozer calls. Flop is Q,J,10. She pushes all in (short stack) and I insta-call. She has K,10 for bottom pair and the up and down - *sigh* a 9 on the river gives her the straight and puts me under 10x the blinds, which are now at 50-100. With just under 900 chips, I’m dealt A-10 suited hearts on the button – one limper behind me and I push. BB calls me with AJ… I have him covered by 10 chips, wohoo! SB informs me she had a 10. Guh. A two-outter 10 finds me on the turn and I send the father of the host packing. That can’t be good karma, but whatever; I’m back to just above my starting stack at about 1,600. We break to merge down to two tables and I feel like I have new life.
Our new table consists of the A-high calling station, Troy (who has been at the same table all night, playing a wide range of hands), the mom of the host, Andy whom I’ve met several times before, two random hot chicks and two others that don’t last long. Blinds at 75-150.
No memorable hands here, but I was able to knock out a short stack with 10-10 and push Andy off a couple of pots after he checked post flop. He had a good stack and didn’t seem like he wanted to risk putting a dent in it, so two all-in pushes were good enough to get my stack up over 3k.
The two random hot chicks were screwing up our table mojo, however. Blinds were clearly at the next level, but somehow they managed to deal themselves into an extra hand of lower blinds. That and they reversed the shuffling order, so that the player who was about to deal shuffled their own deck, as opposed to the former button…. FLOOR! No one said anything, as it was all we could do to keep the action flowing. Thankfully there were several short stacks at our table and the field dwindled swiftly.
Sooner than expected, we were down to 9 and re-drew for final table seats. One to the left in seat 5, on the other side of the host’s mother. Troy was in the same spot in seat 9 and Andy was to my right in seat six and a poker club dealer was in seat 7. Blinds 150-300.
More of the same, I stole a few blinds with raises, but was happy not to get any action against AJ, KQ, etc. So I treaded water as the blinds crept up to 3-600 while four players were sent to the rail, three of which were courtesy of Troy, who had the table dominated in stack size. Andy was second; poker dealer was third, I was about a blind or two ahead of the other short stack. Five to go. Troy and dealer chick kept raising and stealing blinds, which was fine by me as it meant I maintained my lead over short stack.
Finally, Troy predictably raises and the short stack tanks, then grudgingly calls. I look at my cards as a mere formality expecting to get out of the way but see A7. As I said earlier, Troy has been all over the map. Best I’ve seen him play was A-rag. He’s raised with 10-8, 10-9, Q-4, etc. Plus at 3x the blinds, I don’t have much choice. Of course, I’m saying this out loud and he shoots back a “thanks for noticing”. I say “I bet you woke up with a hand here, but I gotta believe my ace is good” and re-raise all in for another 800. He calls with AQ, short stack has Q9 and Troy takes us both out. Having the short stack covered, I squeeze my way into fourth place for $48 plus two bounties, totaling $58, more than double my buy in. Troy, who had an O’Shea's coin card-protector, went on to win over dealer chick, with Andy taking third. Great group of people, good times.
Next chapter: Cash Game; Table image, Drunky Mike and the Power Hand.
I Predict Things
Long ass time since I have done one of these, but there is much soccer on today which makes me happy.
USA/El Salvador....
I really hate the win at home tie on the road mentality that goes with World Cup Qualifying, mostly because it leads to some boring games. A lot of the smaller teams in CONCACAF tend to add one more aspect to the win at home time on the road mentality; tie at home when playing the US or Mexico. I think that might be a bit different tonight. El Salvador needs the 3 points to stay up with the leaders in qualifying so I think they will press the attack a bit more than usual. Pressing like that leaves you open to counters and that is where the US is best. I see a win for the good guys.
Current prediction record 6-4
USA/El Salvador....
I really hate the win at home tie on the road mentality that goes with World Cup Qualifying, mostly because it leads to some boring games. A lot of the smaller teams in CONCACAF tend to add one more aspect to the win at home time on the road mentality; tie at home when playing the US or Mexico. I think that might be a bit different tonight. El Salvador needs the 3 points to stay up with the leaders in qualifying so I think they will press the attack a bit more than usual. Pressing like that leaves you open to counters and that is where the US is best. I see a win for the good guys.
Current prediction record 6-4
The Importance of Tone
Katia Bachko has a pretty interesting article on the presses reaction to the other nights press conference. I think her wrap-up is pretty solid and holds a good deal of truth.
While I think it is very true that the press attempts to turn everything in politics into a blood sport or a horse race, I think there is also something more to it. I think a number of people in the press avoid digging in on policy simply because they don't understand it. That isn't really a knock on them, some of this stuff is pretty complicated. Obama surrounds himself with a number of advisers who help him work through policy, people who tend to be experts in the field they are working in. These are people who often have dedicated much of their lives to education, health care, the financial markets, etc. The press surround themselves with people who have spent much of their lives dedicated to grabbing headlines and shaping stories. While they have their own version of experts to help breakdown stories, their contribution is a pretty small part of the story if they go to them at all. The big news heading into the presser the other day was that Geithner had just released his big plan to help nudge the financial market back on track. There wasn't a single question asked about it. I think a big reason why is because folks like Jake Tapper and Chuck Todd are not experts in the field of finance so they don't know what to ask or even how to ask it.
To put it in a more simple way, I do a lot of writing on fantasy football. During the season and sometimes even out of season, I spend hours each day researching stats, tendancies, injuries and trends. While the season is rolling, I can tell you the top defenses in the league defending against quarterbacks and who are the worst. I can tell you which No. 3 wide receiver is most likely to turn in a solid week, which is gold in fantasy football. I have a fair number of articles out there with my name attached to them and I feel as if I have a somewhat solid grasp of the industry. What I can't do is tell you how a credit default swap works. I struggle in explaining cost outlays of medicare. So when, and if, I ever write about them I have to dance around the edges. As a result, and for good reason, there are no articles out there with my name on them dealing with the financial markets and medicare reform. So why, when the first presser after the announcement of Geithner's plan isn't the New York Times sending Paul Krugman to ask some questions?
In the end, the focus on tone demonstrates all over again how the press transforms politics into a blood sport with quantifiable winners and losers, which is disconnected from the significance of actual policy—roads built, hospitals staffed, schools renovated. The impulse to cover the horse race at the cost of the seriousness of governance persists. In this case, if Obama’s the professor, then the press is a bunch of unruly kids who won’t calm down after recess. The election is long behind us, get back to work.
While I think it is very true that the press attempts to turn everything in politics into a blood sport or a horse race, I think there is also something more to it. I think a number of people in the press avoid digging in on policy simply because they don't understand it. That isn't really a knock on them, some of this stuff is pretty complicated. Obama surrounds himself with a number of advisers who help him work through policy, people who tend to be experts in the field they are working in. These are people who often have dedicated much of their lives to education, health care, the financial markets, etc. The press surround themselves with people who have spent much of their lives dedicated to grabbing headlines and shaping stories. While they have their own version of experts to help breakdown stories, their contribution is a pretty small part of the story if they go to them at all. The big news heading into the presser the other day was that Geithner had just released his big plan to help nudge the financial market back on track. There wasn't a single question asked about it. I think a big reason why is because folks like Jake Tapper and Chuck Todd are not experts in the field of finance so they don't know what to ask or even how to ask it.
To put it in a more simple way, I do a lot of writing on fantasy football. During the season and sometimes even out of season, I spend hours each day researching stats, tendancies, injuries and trends. While the season is rolling, I can tell you the top defenses in the league defending against quarterbacks and who are the worst. I can tell you which No. 3 wide receiver is most likely to turn in a solid week, which is gold in fantasy football. I have a fair number of articles out there with my name attached to them and I feel as if I have a somewhat solid grasp of the industry. What I can't do is tell you how a credit default swap works. I struggle in explaining cost outlays of medicare. So when, and if, I ever write about them I have to dance around the edges. As a result, and for good reason, there are no articles out there with my name on them dealing with the financial markets and medicare reform. So why, when the first presser after the announcement of Geithner's plan isn't the New York Times sending Paul Krugman to ask some questions?
Friday, March 27, 2009
Overnight Music
Don't think I have posted this yet and if I have, bugger off.
Sam Roberts - Them Kids
Sam Roberts - Them Kids
Farcry 2
I had such high hopes for this game and while I wouldn't say it is a bad game, but it is disappointing. I'm a big fan of Fallout 3. It is easily one of my favorite games of all time. I love the open world environment that it has. Many times while trying to complete Fallout 3 I would get sidetracked checking out bombed out buildings, collecting slaves, doing side quests or just exploring. There is so much to do in Fallout 3 outside of the main quest that you could probably spend hours completely ignoring the main quest and still have a great time. Farcry 2 was supposed to have the same type of open world environment and said environment was supposed to be as large as Fallout 3's was. My main issue with Farcry 2 is that they seem to have tossed in their huge open world environment just to have one and force you to travel long distances to complete your quest. I'm not that far into the game so maybe that changes and it isn't a bad game, but it didn't deliver on what I wanted. This is, in my book, a good game to rent and a bad one to buy.
Still Crazy
I'm tired so I'm not going to do much blogging this evening, but I wanted to make sure and point out that Michele Bachman is still crazy.
As much as I enjoy the crazy that Bachman brings, it might be a good idea to require government officials to go through some sort of psychological screening.
"Economics works equally in any country. Where freedom is tried, the people rejoice. But where tyranny is enforced upon the people, as Barack Obama is doing, the people suffer and mourn."
"Right now I'm a member of Congress. And I believe that my job here is to be a foreign correspondent, reporting from enemy lines. And people need to understand, this isn't a game. this isn't just a political talk show that's happening right now."
As much as I enjoy the crazy that Bachman brings, it might be a good idea to require government officials to go through some sort of psychological screening.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
I See Stupid People

The scariest thing about government is the number of really stupid people we trust to make important decisions.
“She’s talking about the United States,” Keller said. “This legislation would ensure that the U.S. dollar remain the currency of the United States.”
Good to see Michele Bachmann is out there on the front lines, protecting the dollar.
More crazy.
The first segment of the clip cracks me up especially the look on Geithner's face as he realizes that Bachmann is batshit crazy.
Bringing The Funny
From Kung Fu Monkey -
There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.
There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.
Traditional Media Mad At Being Ignored
Just watched a segment on Hardball that was so stupid I could hear brain cells collapsing in my head. Matthews was complaining about Obama not calling on the Times or Post at the last presser and how he was attempting to go around the traditional media. Matthews was also trying to claim that in doing so Obama was attempting to avoid tough questions. Here is an example of one of those tough questions from the Post.
Your tough traditional media at work.
Your tough traditional media at work.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Greatest Book Of All Time
Is gonna be a movie.
Where The Wild Things Are
FYI - The No. 2 book of all time is The Giving Tree.
Where The Wild Things Are
FYI - The No. 2 book of all time is The Giving Tree.
Stop The Stupid
The media's fixation on Obama using a teleprompter for prepared remarks drives me up the fucking wall. It is almost as if they don't read their own articles.
Ahhhh so everybody since Esenhower has used them, but Obama uses them more. Good to know.
Damn you Obama and your use of technology!
Every president since Dwight D. Eisenhower has used teleprompters, but none as extensively as Mr. Obama.
Ahhhh so everybody since Esenhower has used them, but Obama uses them more. Good to know.
Instead, when they used prepared remarks, other presidents tended to use printouts or note cards.
Damn you Obama and your use of technology!
Random Thoughts From The Presser
So Treasury rolls out their big plan, Obama faces the press and not a single question from the press on it. I'm still scratching my head on this one. My guess is that the media is like most of America and just doesn't understand it, so they decided to punt.
Chuck Todd asking why Obama hasn't asked anybody to sacrifice was the oddest thing from the presser. I like the work that Todd did during the campaign, but it is becoming pretty clear that Todd is a much better analyst than a reporter. People are losing jobs and their retirement, what is Todd looking for gasoline rations?
I was shocked that Obama was able to answer so many questions without a teleprompter considering that the new big push from conservatives and idiots is that he can't talk without one.
Chuck Todd asking why Obama hasn't asked anybody to sacrifice was the oddest thing from the presser. I like the work that Todd did during the campaign, but it is becoming pretty clear that Todd is a much better analyst than a reporter. People are losing jobs and their retirement, what is Todd looking for gasoline rations?
I was shocked that Obama was able to answer so many questions without a teleprompter considering that the new big push from conservatives and idiots is that he can't talk without one.
Monday, March 23, 2009
On Last Thing
I am going to go kill some zombies, but I stumbled upon this first.
I really am tired of all the faux populism and outrage that we get spoon fed daily. I really think we have reached the point were it is more important for politicians to be equally outraged at stupid shit as it is for them to actually have some ideas about governing. I still remember a number of pundits claiming that the biggest reason why Bush won over Gore was because more people wanted to have a beer with Bush. That somehow Bush was more like us, whoever us is. Not one of these punidts pointed out how sad that was. In election for the most powerful position in the world the decision came down to who is most like you and not who has the best education, economic or foreign policy.
Anyway, I'm getting off point. To guide us back, I really like this line from Klein's post.
His sum-up is pretty solid as well.
I would add one thing. Klein is a very big part of the 'media culture that goes beserk about bonuses one week and forgets all about them the next.' I think he avoids this type of journalism more than others, but his place at the table puts him in a unique position to do something about it. Hell he shares blog and ink space with people who practice what he is preaching against on a regular basis. Unless he is willing to go after them for going after the cheap outrage of the day stories, I wish he would just shut the hell up.
I really am tired of all the faux populism and outrage that we get spoon fed daily. I really think we have reached the point were it is more important for politicians to be equally outraged at stupid shit as it is for them to actually have some ideas about governing. I still remember a number of pundits claiming that the biggest reason why Bush won over Gore was because more people wanted to have a beer with Bush. That somehow Bush was more like us, whoever us is. Not one of these punidts pointed out how sad that was. In election for the most powerful position in the world the decision came down to who is most like you and not who has the best education, economic or foreign policy.
Anyway, I'm getting off point. To guide us back, I really like this line from Klein's post.
The problem with outrage is that it occludes vision.
His sum-up is pretty solid as well.
If you want to be angry about something, get pissed at a media culture that goes beserk about bonuses one week and forgets all about them the next. And be worried, quite worried, about a society for whom anger is a form of entertainment.
I would add one thing. Klein is a very big part of the 'media culture that goes beserk about bonuses one week and forgets all about them the next.' I think he avoids this type of journalism more than others, but his place at the table puts him in a unique position to do something about it. Hell he shares blog and ink space with people who practice what he is preaching against on a regular basis. Unless he is willing to go after them for going after the cheap outrage of the day stories, I wish he would just shut the hell up.
Overnight Music
Too much stupid going on today that I want to talk about, but will only send me into a mad rambling mess. So I'm going to kill some zombies.
Fanfarlo - Outsiders
I wanna add that this is another video that would be pretty cool on a channel dedicated to music and the videos that come with them.
Fanfarlo - Outsiders
I wanna add that this is another video that would be pretty cool on a channel dedicated to music and the videos that come with them.
We Deserve It
Plenty of people seem to have their panties in a bunch over Obama's laughing on 60 Minutes. I'm not linking to any of the number of articles or posts I have read about it. I know I don't have many readers, but I don't want to direct any web hits to such stupidity. Last week, and leaking into this week people still seem to want to discuss Obama's Special Olympics comment from Leno. We are currently in two wars, in the midst of a recession and facing an economy in shatters and what is driving the news? Obama laughing in an interview and a stupid Special Olympics joke. This is one of those few times that if every worst case scenerio comes true and we see the collapse of society I can't help but feel we deserve it for letting our discourse slip this far.
This is one of those posts that guarantees that I will never be able to run for public office.
This is one of those posts that guarantees that I will never be able to run for public office.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Paul Krugman
The plan to clean up banking was leaked this past Friday and the reviews of the plan I have read aren't pretty. This is an area that I know very little about and don't really care to. I guess you could say that I enjoy the process more than the meat of things or probably more accurately you could say that I'm just not smart enough to figure it all out. I rely on guys like Krugman to guide my way and Krugman really doesn't like the plan.
This seems to be a common theme among those not liking the plan; it is too much like the Paulson plan.
I might be wrong on this, but I seem to remember Paulson bailing on his plan. Instead of buying up the crappy assests didn't Paulson simply try to inject more capital into the banks? So while this plan is similar to Paulson's, it wasn't really tried was it?
And since stuff like this is pretty boring...
Why was I so quick to condemn the Geithner plan? Because it’s not new; it’s just another version of an idea that keeps coming up and keeps being refuted. It’s basically a thinly disguised version of the same plan Henry Paulson announced way back in September.
This seems to be a common theme among those not liking the plan; it is too much like the Paulson plan.
I might be wrong on this, but I seem to remember Paulson bailing on his plan. Instead of buying up the crappy assests didn't Paulson simply try to inject more capital into the banks? So while this plan is similar to Paulson's, it wasn't really tried was it?
And since stuff like this is pretty boring...
Friday, March 20, 2009
Stop It
While I am bitching about things I just wanted to add that everybody has to stop using 'That is/isn't change we can believe in' type comments when talking about the Obama administration. It was a fucking campaign slogan and using it in the lead in or summary of anything is uncreative and lazy. Also, 'meet the new boss, same as the old boss' is nearly as stupid.
Twitter is for high schoolers
I have long resisted most of the social networking tools. Myspace always seemed to high schoolish to me. I joined recently, because I read it was a great way to drum up readers for blogs. It hasn't worked, but everyday I get invites from 16-year old kids to check out their page. After I recover from the seizure that their page usually gives me due to all the flashy gadgets and what not on it I'm usually left wondering why I ever joined. Same with facebook, which I haven't checked in months.
I'm drawing the line at Twitter. I'm still trying to figure out what the point of it is. I read somewhere that over 300k where following Shaq's Twitter account. Why? I read a lot of blog and a number of them are Twittering. National journalists are even doing it and so are several Senators and Congressmen. One Twitter episode reaffirmed my believe that Twitter really is for high school kids. The quick run-down.
Jake Tapper tweeted (is that the correct term) about Obama's Special Olympics comment from Leno. Actually, Tapper tweeted about it three different times. This is/was, afterall, big important news. Tapper got some mocking from a couple of bloggers. Remember, the meme from the media of late is that Obama shouldn't be doing anything but sitting in a room and thinking really really hard about how to fix the economy and nothing else. Well Tapper didn't like the mocking so he blocked the blogs from reading his Twitter account. Several years ago I coached a team of middle school girls. It reminding me of some of the stupid immature shit I had to deal with them.
Stop Twittering people.
I'm drawing the line at Twitter. I'm still trying to figure out what the point of it is. I read somewhere that over 300k where following Shaq's Twitter account. Why? I read a lot of blog and a number of them are Twittering. National journalists are even doing it and so are several Senators and Congressmen. One Twitter episode reaffirmed my believe that Twitter really is for high school kids. The quick run-down.
Jake Tapper tweeted (is that the correct term) about Obama's Special Olympics comment from Leno. Actually, Tapper tweeted about it three different times. This is/was, afterall, big important news. Tapper got some mocking from a couple of bloggers. Remember, the meme from the media of late is that Obama shouldn't be doing anything but sitting in a room and thinking really really hard about how to fix the economy and nothing else. Well Tapper didn't like the mocking so he blocked the blogs from reading his Twitter account. Several years ago I coached a team of middle school girls. It reminding me of some of the stupid immature shit I had to deal with them.
Stop Twittering people.
Rethinking My Obama Support
My first thoughts while reading this article with my morning coffee was that it was pretty cool. I mean they are going to have beehives! The problem is that they are also going to be growing cilantro and cilantro is just disgusting. It grew it for the first and last time in my herb garden this past summer. I am, however, a big fan of Thai Basil which is also going to be included.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Overnight Non-Music
Roy Bentley - On the Diamond behind Garfield Elementary, Melvin White Proves There Is but One Boog Powell
I Don't Get It
Ed Rendell, Bob Casey and Joe Biden have all reportedly tried to get Arlen Specter to come over to the darkside. Such a move would probably work pretty well for Specter who is likely to face a tough primary challenge having pissed off the far right base. So Specter gets to stay in office and the Democrats get what exactly? Sure 60 seats sounds nice, but that assumes that you are going to get all 60 Senators onboard and that is unlikely to happen. Is Specter the Democrat going to be that different than Specter the Republican?
It is pretty tough work to unseat a Senator. Right now Specter is pretty weak, especially within the GOP. Instead of trying to get Specter to change teams, why not run somebody against him or whomever comes out of the GOP primary? Allowing Specter to become a Democrat only further entrenches him within the state and doesn't promise the Democrats much. The Democratic party has won two straight election cycles promising a lot of things that Specter doesn't seem to keen to go along with. A real Democrat might.
It is pretty tough work to unseat a Senator. Right now Specter is pretty weak, especially within the GOP. Instead of trying to get Specter to change teams, why not run somebody against him or whomever comes out of the GOP primary? Allowing Specter to become a Democrat only further entrenches him within the state and doesn't promise the Democrats much. The Democratic party has won two straight election cycles promising a lot of things that Specter doesn't seem to keen to go along with. A real Democrat might.
Cutler Wants Out
Cutler says : Trade me.
I remember somebody who is really smart saying that McDaniels and company were going about this all wrong. Oh yeah, that somebody would be me.
Something I find interesting is Ben Maller's take on Cutler going to Detroit.
I just want to add that Ben Maller is an idiot.
I remember somebody who is really smart saying that McDaniels and company were going about this all wrong. Oh yeah, that somebody would be me.
Something I find interesting is Ben Maller's take on Cutler going to Detroit.
Cutler is much closer to Jake Plummer than John Elway. If Cutler ends up in Detroit its 100% that he's the new Joey Harrington.
I just want to add that Ben Maller is an idiot.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Overnight Music
A friend and I were recently talking about bands that we like, but don't really know why we like them. I present you with....
Matt and Kim - Good Old Fashioned Nightmare
Matt and Kim - Good Old Fashioned Nightmare
The national media loves to cover earmarks. I think the big reason is because the media doesn't have to really do any reporting on them other than find one that sounds funny and mock it. It makes for good press because 'government spends 200 dollars on a hammer' type stories always play well. The problem is that the press's lack of reporting leads to a lot of misconceptions on earmarks.
First of all, earmarks account for a very small percentage of spending. The number of earmarks in the recent omnibus totaled 7.7 billion dollars. While that is certainly a lot of cash, keep in mind that the most recent omnibus was 410 billion dollars. Even in the worst cast scenario, that all earmarks are bad, as a percentage it is less than two percent of that total. I'm not trying to make a case against keeping an eye on D.C. and making sure that they spend our money wisely. I just think it is probably better to focus on that other 98 percent first.
However, the biggest problem is that even if we took every earmark out of the omnibus we still wouldn't save a single dime.
With the above in mind, either the politicians and pundits ranting against excessive spending and blaming it on earmarks either don't know this and are stupid or they think you are. I guess it could also be both.
First of all, earmarks account for a very small percentage of spending. The number of earmarks in the recent omnibus totaled 7.7 billion dollars. While that is certainly a lot of cash, keep in mind that the most recent omnibus was 410 billion dollars. Even in the worst cast scenario, that all earmarks are bad, as a percentage it is less than two percent of that total. I'm not trying to make a case against keeping an eye on D.C. and making sure that they spend our money wisely. I just think it is probably better to focus on that other 98 percent first.
However, the biggest problem is that even if we took every earmark out of the omnibus we still wouldn't save a single dime.
This is not open for discussion. An earmark simply is a congressional decision to allocate part of appropriation for a particular purpose. Eliminating the allocation doesn't reduce the appropriation, it simply leaves the allocation decision to a federal department or agency rather than to Congress
With the above in mind, either the politicians and pundits ranting against excessive spending and blaming it on earmarks either don't know this and are stupid or they think you are. I guess it could also be both.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Cutler/McDaniels Part II
For those of you not up to speed.
I find it kinda funny to see the Broncos seemingly doing everything in their power to fuck up their coming season. Say what you want about how Cutler should just man-up and realize that the NFL is a business and that trades happen. I would probably even agree with you somewhat. The problem is that what you get is what you get with professional athletes. T.O. is always going to be the kind of player that in a heartbeat can destroy a locker room. He is also the kind of wide receiver that can win you games, so owners decide to risk his antics. Cutler probably should just man-up, report to Denver and start learning the system and maybe he will. But, right now McDaniels and the Broncos front office is doing a lot to put their season in danger. First, as I said here...
When your quarterback is pissed and no longer trusts you, trying to smooth things over with a conference call is stupid. A conference call shows that you care only slightly more than sending a couple of text messages would. If you really want to smooth things over you get on a plane and go see him. Part of being a coach is dealing with egos and learning with which players you might have to go out of your way to get on your side. McDaniels doesn't seem to know this and/or care.
I find it kinda funny to see the Broncos seemingly doing everything in their power to fuck up their coming season. Say what you want about how Cutler should just man-up and realize that the NFL is a business and that trades happen. I would probably even agree with you somewhat. The problem is that what you get is what you get with professional athletes. T.O. is always going to be the kind of player that in a heartbeat can destroy a locker room. He is also the kind of wide receiver that can win you games, so owners decide to risk his antics. Cutler probably should just man-up, report to Denver and start learning the system and maybe he will. But, right now McDaniels and the Broncos front office is doing a lot to put their season in danger. First, as I said here...
You don't make the kind of move that McDaniels tried to make unless you know for a fact that you can get the deal done, because if you don't your franchise quarterback ends up pissed.
When your quarterback is pissed and no longer trusts you, trying to smooth things over with a conference call is stupid. A conference call shows that you care only slightly more than sending a couple of text messages would. If you really want to smooth things over you get on a plane and go see him. Part of being a coach is dealing with egos and learning with which players you might have to go out of your way to get on your side. McDaniels doesn't seem to know this and/or care.
On Second Thought.....
It was great when all the money from the bank bailout came condition free, great for the bankers that is. However, now that there are some strings attached some are having second thoughts.
And what are some of these restrictions?
Poor babies.
If these guys are giving back the money, then they clearly don't need the money. So the question is why the fuck did they take it in the first place? My guess, and not the answer they would give, is because it was free money with no strings attached and they are greedy bastards that care about their own well being (paycheck and bonuses first) and about the well being of the financial institutions they almost destroyed last.
Some bankers say the conditions have become so onerous that they want to return the bailout money.
And what are some of these restrictions?
Financial institutions that are getting government bailout funds have been told to put off evictions and modify mortgages for distressed homeowners. They must let shareholders vote on executive pay packages. They must slash dividends, cancel employee training and morale-building exercises, and withdraw job offers to foreign citizens.
Poor babies.
If these guys are giving back the money, then they clearly don't need the money. So the question is why the fuck did they take it in the first place? My guess, and not the answer they would give, is because it was free money with no strings attached and they are greedy bastards that care about their own well being (paycheck and bonuses first) and about the well being of the financial institutions they almost destroyed last.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Dear Hollywood
Stop screwing up my sci-fi shows!
I loved the new BSG, until they decided to turn it into some weird intro to philosophy thing. It looked like there would be some new Human Vs. Robot stuff this season. Sadly, it is right back to the same old crap and off my DVR schedule for good.
I was one of the few that like the Sarah Connor Chronicles. I watched last week's episode and for the life of me can't figure out what the fuck it was about.
And finally, Heroes.....
What the fuck is this show even about anymore? I offered this suggestion months ago, but kill the damned cheerleader already! She is adding nothing to show other than constantly bitching about how much it sucks to be indestructible. And why hasn't Sylar killed that little twerp yet? Sylar doesn't need a sidekick, especially not one that is even more annoying than the cheerleader. And speaking of Sylar, isn't one heroe with a daddy complex enough? Badass supervillans don't have daddy complexes. Well, maybe they do, but you don't write half of a show around it. While I am listing people to kill, either kill Peter or give him back all of his powers. This only on power at a time crap is stupid. I hate you you most of all Heroe writers.
I loved the new BSG, until they decided to turn it into some weird intro to philosophy thing. It looked like there would be some new Human Vs. Robot stuff this season. Sadly, it is right back to the same old crap and off my DVR schedule for good.
I was one of the few that like the Sarah Connor Chronicles. I watched last week's episode and for the life of me can't figure out what the fuck it was about.
And finally, Heroes.....
What the fuck is this show even about anymore? I offered this suggestion months ago, but kill the damned cheerleader already! She is adding nothing to show other than constantly bitching about how much it sucks to be indestructible. And why hasn't Sylar killed that little twerp yet? Sylar doesn't need a sidekick, especially not one that is even more annoying than the cheerleader. And speaking of Sylar, isn't one heroe with a daddy complex enough? Badass supervillans don't have daddy complexes. Well, maybe they do, but you don't write half of a show around it. While I am listing people to kill, either kill Peter or give him back all of his powers. This only on power at a time crap is stupid. I hate you you most of all Heroe writers.
David Frum Get One Thing Right
It really pained me to write that title, but Timothy Egan used a quote in his op-ed that pretty much sums up my thoughts on the whole Limbaugh bit currently playing out.
This whole tiff might be the greatest thing that has happened to Limbaugh since Clinton got a blowjob. I've seen discussion on if Limbaugh is a Republican first or a conservative first. The answer is neither, Rush is a businessman first and this is pure gold for him. It is even better for the Obama administration. Rush is only popular to a small segment of the overall population. To most people he is a large part of what people hate about government, people more concerned with the politics of things rather than the governing of. That isn't a leader that any party wants.
“If you’re a talk radio host and you have five million who listen and there are 50 million who hate you, you make a nice living. If you’re a Republican party, you’re marginalized.”
This whole tiff might be the greatest thing that has happened to Limbaugh since Clinton got a blowjob. I've seen discussion on if Limbaugh is a Republican first or a conservative first. The answer is neither, Rush is a businessman first and this is pure gold for him. It is even better for the Obama administration. Rush is only popular to a small segment of the overall population. To most people he is a large part of what people hate about government, people more concerned with the politics of things rather than the governing of. That isn't a leader that any party wants.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
If It Doesn't Work, Keep Doing The Same Thing
This is the kind of thing that drives me mad about US politics.
The embargo started in 1962 and was codified into law in 1992 with the stated purpose of bringing democracy to the Cuban people. Now I realize that a good deal of policy is meant to be long-term, but 47 years is a long ass time with little or no results.
And while the above drives me mad, shit like this just pisses me off to the point where I hope somebody runs against him in the primary.
Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ), a strong supporter of the U.S. trade embargo against Cuba, is launching a full-on battle this week to remove several provisions from the 2009 government spending bill that would open a small crack in the slammed door of relations with Havana.
The embargo started in 1962 and was codified into law in 1992 with the stated purpose of bringing democracy to the Cuban people. Now I realize that a good deal of policy is meant to be long-term, but 47 years is a long ass time with little or no results.
And while the above drives me mad, shit like this just pisses me off to the point where I hope somebody runs against him in the primary.
Menendez has placed a "hold" that blocks votes on confirming Harvard University physicist John Holdren, who is in line to lead the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and Oregon State University marine biologist Jane Lubchenco, Obama's nominee to head the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. According to sources who asked not to be identified because they were not authorized to discuss the matter, Menendez is using the holds as leverage to get Senate leaders' attention for a matter related to Cuba rather than questioning the nominees' credentials.
A Good Idea

Monday, March 2, 2009
The Cardinals Piss People Off
Boldin wants out. Edge want out. Now Warner has 'hurt feelings'. I'm calling it now, without Warner the Cardinals don't even make the play-offs next year.
As a side note, it feels damn good to have some NFL news to write about. I love politics, but it has gotten stale for me of late.
As a side note, it feels damn good to have some NFL news to write about. I love politics, but it has gotten stale for me of late.
Philly Hates Good Wide Receivers
If I am Donovan McNabb, I'm wondering why my team didn't or isn't making a run at Houshmandzadeh. It was pretty clear he wanted to go to Philly having sent a text message to an ESPN radio station stating that he would be there tomorrow if asked.
Apparently, they didn't want him. The Eagles just don't seem to put much value in having top flight wide receivers or maybe they still have a bad taste in their mouth from the TO saga. The Eagles have gotten by without a top flight receiver, but the only time they made it to the Super Bowl was with a top flight wide receiver.
The text read, "I don't know what's gonna happen, but if they want me, I will be an Eagle tomorrow."
Apparently, they didn't want him. The Eagles just don't seem to put much value in having top flight wide receivers or maybe they still have a bad taste in their mouth from the TO saga. The Eagles have gotten by without a top flight receiver, but the only time they made it to the Super Bowl was with a top flight wide receiver.
The Mess Josh McDaniels Created
I am not buying into McDaniels statement that he wasn't looking to get Matt Cassel from the Patriots. I think is a pretty safe bet considering that nearly everybody who has commented on the thing has said pretty much the same thing. In a different situation such a move might make sense. McDaniels knows Cassel having worked with him turning his time as offensive coordinator with the Patriots. Cassel knows the offense that McDaniels runs. Brady is coming back to the Pats and 14 million per season is a lot of money to be paying a guy that you hope never gets off the bench. A perfect situation? Not hardly.
The Broncos have a quarterback and a pretty good one as well. Last season Cutler ranked third in passing yards and fifth in passing touchdowns. Cutler was able to do this with every NFL defense know that the only way the Broncos were going to beat you was if Cutler did. Cutler certainly made some boneheaded plays, but that comes with the territory of putting a quarterback (especially a young one) in the position of having to win games for you. You don't make the kind of move that McDaniels tried to make unless you know for a fact that you can get the deal done, because if you don't your franchise quarterback ends up pissed. Cutler has a new offense and playbook to learn and instead of getting in there and learind it he is now going to be laying low for awhile. Not a good sign of things to come.
The Broncos have a quarterback and a pretty good one as well. Last season Cutler ranked third in passing yards and fifth in passing touchdowns. Cutler was able to do this with every NFL defense know that the only way the Broncos were going to beat you was if Cutler did. Cutler certainly made some boneheaded plays, but that comes with the territory of putting a quarterback (especially a young one) in the position of having to win games for you. You don't make the kind of move that McDaniels tried to make unless you know for a fact that you can get the deal done, because if you don't your franchise quarterback ends up pissed. Cutler has a new offense and playbook to learn and instead of getting in there and learind it he is now going to be laying low for awhile. Not a good sign of things to come.
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