I really am tired of all the faux populism and outrage that we get spoon fed daily. I really think we have reached the point were it is more important for politicians to be equally outraged at stupid shit as it is for them to actually have some ideas about governing. I still remember a number of pundits claiming that the biggest reason why Bush won over Gore was because more people wanted to have a beer with Bush. That somehow Bush was more like us, whoever us is. Not one of these punidts pointed out how sad that was. In election for the most powerful position in the world the decision came down to who is most like you and not who has the best education, economic or foreign policy.
Anyway, I'm getting off point. To guide us back, I really like this line from Klein's post.
The problem with outrage is that it occludes vision.
His sum-up is pretty solid as well.
If you want to be angry about something, get pissed at a media culture that goes beserk about bonuses one week and forgets all about them the next. And be worried, quite worried, about a society for whom anger is a form of entertainment.
I would add one thing. Klein is a very big part of the 'media culture that goes beserk about bonuses one week and forgets all about them the next.' I think he avoids this type of journalism more than others, but his place at the table puts him in a unique position to do something about it. Hell he shares blog and ink space with people who practice what he is preaching against on a regular basis. Unless he is willing to go after them for going after the cheap outrage of the day stories, I wish he would just shut the hell up.
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