I find it kinda funny to see the Broncos seemingly doing everything in their power to fuck up their coming season. Say what you want about how Cutler should just man-up and realize that the NFL is a business and that trades happen. I would probably even agree with you somewhat. The problem is that what you get is what you get with professional athletes. T.O. is always going to be the kind of player that in a heartbeat can destroy a locker room. He is also the kind of wide receiver that can win you games, so owners decide to risk his antics. Cutler probably should just man-up, report to Denver and start learning the system and maybe he will. But, right now McDaniels and the Broncos front office is doing a lot to put their season in danger. First, as I said here...
You don't make the kind of move that McDaniels tried to make unless you know for a fact that you can get the deal done, because if you don't your franchise quarterback ends up pissed.
When your quarterback is pissed and no longer trusts you, trying to smooth things over with a conference call is stupid. A conference call shows that you care only slightly more than sending a couple of text messages would. If you really want to smooth things over you get on a plane and go see him. Part of being a coach is dealing with egos and learning with which players you might have to go out of your way to get on your side. McDaniels doesn't seem to know this and/or care.
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